Summer 2019 Animal Adventures
Someone asked me today if having a family travel blog means that we go on a lot of vacations and trips. The answer is a big, fat NO. We only get to have a "real" family road trip about once a year. Perhaps that will change in the future, but, for now, we've been content to have a bunch of little adventures all over our beautiful countryside.
As I looked back over the pictures I took this summer, I saw a lot of animals. Wild animals, big animals, domesticated animals, and baby animals. Almost every one of our outings involved a beast of some kind (even if it was just a bug). For the last official week of summer, I thought I'd share our animal pictures with you.
This summer, we visited the county fair and saw lots of domesticated an baby animals. The kids particularly loved the pigs and rabbits. We spent a lot of time with both creatures, talking to their owners and petting the animals. Of course, you can guess what the refrain has been around our house lately, "Can we please have a baby bunny!"
We live a short driving distance from an animal sanctuary. One of our favorite things to at the wildlife park is to play in the creek and catch frogs. It's been fun to watch the creek change throughout the summer and to observe the differences from one week to another in who lives in the creek. As you can see from the pictures, we've also seen painted turtles and garter snakes too (my homeschool blog post about garter snakes).
Dragonfly got to go fishing in a boat for the first time this summer. She caught a few fish and is pretty addicted to the activity. She's always asking when she can go again. We have discovered that we like trout cooked over an open fire. Yum!
As if all that "wildschooling" wasn't enough, we also saw "wild" cats! The circus came through town early this summer, and we got to attend both the tent raising, which included an animal meet and greet, and the performance that evening. The kids loved the whole experience.
My kids have had a great summer with lots of amazing memories. Although we've only done one official road trip this year, opportunities for family fun and happy memories are not just reserved for Disney World or other big vacations. From camping weekends to weekly trips the park and creek, adventure is everywhere!
Also This Summer
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