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Souvenir Stones to Make, Take, and Share

This is probably one of the most controversial blog posts I've ever written!  Painted rocks are colorful, adorable, and cheerful, but they have their share of haters too.  Anti-painted rock people state that rocks should be left natural, that harvesting them disturbs animal habitats, and that leaving them around places constitutes littering.  I haven't quite decided where I come down on the issue, but I thought I'd put together a giant round-up of painted rocks anyways.  What's your opinion- comment below!

I named this post "Souvenir Stones: Make, Take, and Share, not to encourage people to take natural, unpainted rocks from National or State parks.  Instead, the idea behind painted rocks is that if you find a decorated rock, you can chose to leave it there or take it to put somewhere else (or keep it as a souvenir).  If you've painted your own rocks, you can set them on park benches, street curbs, picnic tables a mountain top, or anywhere a person might find it.

In your own home, painted rocks can be used as paperweights, play food in a mud kitchen, to tell a story, as memorial stones, for garden edging, as decorations, in fairy gardens, for learning activities, in sensory bins, and more.  I've teamed up with the Kid Blogger Network to bring you lots of fun ideas.

How to Paint Rocks

1- Get Rocks for Painting from somewhere

2- Wash and Dry rocks

3- Draw your design using a book to give you ideas

4- Paint rocks with acrylic paint AND/OR paint pens

5- Let dry in a warm, dry, clean place

6- Seal with a craft sealant

7- Or buy one already painted

8- Leave somewhere for someone to find!

Rock Painting Ideas

Books About Rocks for Kids


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