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Traveling with Crystal Light Containers

This blog article was originally posted on my first blog In Our Pond.  I started out trying to put all my travel content on my homeschooling blog, but it grew to be too big.  So, I'm moving all the road trip stuff over here!  It'll probably take me a while to move all the posts, but I'll also be posting new content on here as well.  In Our Pond will now be exclusively for homeschooling and parenting content, while this blog (Party Through the USA) is for all the family travel posts.  Check them both out!

Crystal Lite containers are one of my favorite things for organizing, so it's no surprise that I'm also using them on our road trip.  Here are a few ways that I'm using them and a few other ideas that I've found from the web.

I got a set of nice, double-sided markers for my birthday.  I was so pleased that they all fit in a Crystal Lite container.  I love that the lid keeps them from rolling all over the car and the opaqueness makes it easy to find the color I want.

A pleasant surprise is that plastic forks and spoons fit inside a C.L. container.  I'm going to stick these in our glove box so that we'll always have a utensil if we need one.

I'm also using a container for candy, but I didn't take a picture of it.

From the Web
- hard-boiled egg holder (great for the cooler)
- cheese sticks
- mini first aid kit
- plastic-wear kits
- sauce holder (this would prevent them from exploding)
- charge cords
- markers (for adult coloring books)
- granola bars (to keep them from getting squished)
- contact lenses
- hot dog and bun
- sunglasses
- a serving of pasta (uncooked)
- kid snacks
- brick of cheese
- batteries
- crackers
- shipping souvenirs home
- charging station
- keep matches dry

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