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Tips for Flying With Kids

This blog article was originally posted on my first blog In Our Pond.  I started out trying to put all my travel content on my homeschooling blog, but it grew to be too big.  So, I'm moving all the road trip stuff over here!  It'll probably take me a while to move all the posts, but I'll also be posting new content on here as well.  In Our Pond will now be exclusively for homeschooling and parenting content, while this blog (Party Through the USA) is for all the family travel posts.  Check them both out!

It's almost spring break time, when a lot of people will be braving the (un)friendly skies for vacations.  Although we don't have any immediate plans for air travel, we are talking about a cross-country trip in the near future.  These are the blog posts that I've found most helpful in my pre-planning.

My kids are currently 5, 4, and 3

*Also, all of these picture are no-pin.  Please pin the image at the bottom or at the original posts.*

The Motherload of Tips by Where the Smiles Have Been

What Not to Do on a Plane by Mommy in Sports

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