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DIY Magnetic Tangram Set

This blog article was originally posted on my first blog In Our Pond.  I started out trying to put all my travel content on my homeschooling blog, but it grew to be too big.  So, I'm moving all the road trip stuff over here!  It'll probably take me a while to move all the posts, but I'll also be posting new content on here as well.  In Our Pond will now be exclusively for homeschooling and parenting content, while this blog (Party Through the USA) is for all the family travel posts.  Check them both out!

DIY Magnetic Travel Tangram Set from In Our Pond

Tangrams, which originated in China, are popular puzzle for kids and adults.  They can be very simple or very complicated depending on how the puzzle is presented.  For this week's Travel Time Tuesday, I'm sharing an airplane travel version of tangrams that's cheap and easy to DIY.

I started with this Plastic Tangram Set from Learning Resources, which came with six compete sets of tangrams in six colors.  I loved all the different colors because it allowed me to make many sets for my family and had some left over to give as gifts.

Next, I stuck the tangram pieces onto Magnetic Sticker Paper and cut around each shape.  The tangram set is now magnetic and can be played with on a whiteboard, a cookie sheet, or the fridge.

I used my scrapbook program and the tangram puzzles from The Tangram Channel to make puzzle cards for my kids.  Each card fits in a pencil pouch along with all the tangram pieces.  Unfortunately, I can't share my puzzle cards since I didn't create the pictures.  However, you can print puzzle worksheets on the Tangram Channel website.  I think this memory game would work really well and could fit in a small tin for travel.

DIY Magnetic Travel Tangram Set from In Our Pond

Does this sound like too much work?  Check out these other sets for sale on Amazon:


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